The restaurant/supplier registered by the admin/subadmin can now login to the platform via the auto-generated password received on the email. The restaurant owner uses the same panel but logs in...
Client Listing In the client listing, all the clients registered are listed. And their subscription and features are managed by code brew admin from this listing. Subscription and the free...
Order Creation Journey 1. Selecting a restaurant to place order After logging in into customer website based on your location restaurants/suppliers available that are serving in your region will be...
Dashboard In the dashboard the following matare captured for the admin. No of Pending OrdersNo of Active ordersNo of Delivered OrderNo of Customer Cancelled ordersNo of RestaurantsNo of CategoriesNo of...
Order Creation Journey Selecting a restaurant to place order After logging in into customer website based on your location restaurants/suppliers available that are serving in your region will be visible(i.e...
Dashboard In the dashboard the following matare captured for the admin. No of Pending OrdersNo of Active ordersNo of Delivered OrderNo of Customer Cancelled ordersNo of RestaurantsNo of Categories No of...