Order Creation Journey

  1. Selecting a restaurant to place order

After logging in into customer website based on your location restaurants/suppliers available that are serving in your region will be visible(i.e your location falls under the delivery radius defined inside the restaurant’s profile)

Out of the option available, you can filter based on the top-level categories defined by admin/subadmin i.e in our case is cuisines. You can choose one as per their requirements

Adding products to the cart

On selecting a particular restaurant, you are navigated inside the restaurant page where you can see all the categories and products provided by the restaurant.

        On selecting add you can add the product to your cart. If the product contains customizations poup will show up with all the customizations listed

On selecting proceed, the product is added to cart

Inside Cart

On Clicking cart icon in the header, customer will be redirected to cart page where all the products are listed on the left side and on the right side all the required details like bill breakdown, delivery mode to be used, in case of Home delivery mode the address of the delivery location and the payment method to be used for placing the order

Apply promo code

Click on apply promo code, edit text field will open to add promo code. Promo codes are defined at the admin level and associated with restaurants with items like validity period, max no. of times a single customer can use a promo code, the minimum cart amount on which promo code is applied.

Once your promo code satisfies all the condition, promo code is applied and the particular discount is subtracted and reflected in bill breakdown

Add delivery address

In case you are opting for home delivery, the customer will have to add an address for delivery.

Registering address requires name, text address(to point to exact address house no, floor, etc), address searched on google.

in case of self-pickup, there is no need to add an address

Payment method

After selecting address customer then chooses payment method with COD or the payment gateway selected by the admin for his/her marketplace

In the case of stripe, the customer will then add his/her card details on selecting the pay option.

Order Placed Successfully

on successful card submit order is placed

Taxes in bill breakdown

Taxes are defined while creating top-level categories from the  admin panel

Categories are added by the admin inside the menu section on the side menu. A category is defined by name, tax, description, and image for both webapp and app.

This tax %age is then used to calculate tax in bill breakdown while you place an order.

here we have ordered 3 items in total one Lasagne from Italian category with 18% tax, and 2 items of Mayo Salad from Russian category with 2% tax

so 18% of 100 + 2% of (2*20.50) = 18.82 i.e tax in order.

After Order is Placed Journey

  1. After the order is placed, the order will be assigned to the nearby delivery agent. He/she will receive a notification of the order request which he/she can accept.
  1. After the agent accepts the order it will appear in its list
  1. The order also comes in admin/subadmin and restaurant order list in the pending section.
  1. Admin/subAdmin or restaurant can now confirm the order and change the preparation time in case it will take longer than usual time defined in the store details to prepare the given food
  1. After confirmation, the admin/subadmin or restaurant can now change the status of order to

in the kitchen, Ready to be picked, On the way, Delivered

  1. As admin/subadmin or restaurant changes the status from in the kitchen to ready to be picked, the customer, as well as agent, receives a notification as well about the change in the status of the order
  1. Once the order is ready to picked up, the agent can come to the restaurant and take the order by marking the status as on the way and customer receives push notification telling the same that your order is on its way
  1. once the agent reached the customer’s delivery location,agent can mark the order as delivered.
  1. once the order is delivered, the order is moved in history section for admin and agent and in completed booking section for customer
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