Table of Contents

May 27, 2020

Minimum order amount for the platform, supplier vise

The admin of the platform can click on any merchant/supplier to define the minimum amount for a particular order. This option can be found under the Merchant detail Tab.

Base amount in delivery charge in per KM

The admin can also define the base charges for the delivery which will be applicable to each order. This will be the minimum applicable factor by which the delivery charge will increase per Km

Import product

The admin on the platform can import products on the platform using a csv file upload.
The admin can do this by

Selecting the Menu option

Then choose a category and subcategory of choice.

Click on the subcategory to reveal the product list

Click on the tile view option on the product display and click on import.

The system will ask for a csv to be uploaded with the following fields:






The tax of supplier according to geofence area

The admin will be able to define the taxes on the platform per merchant. The admin will see the option for the same under the Merchant Detail section.

The admin will be able to draw a polygon on the platform to define the area/region and against that region the admin will be able to define the taxes.

This option needs to be enabled from the god panel for the particular account.

Option to pay later, once the booking is confirmed

The user will be able to select the option to pay later for any order once the order is confirmed.

Option to edit booking from admin panel and agent application, and settle the balance amount

The admin will get the option against each order to make changes to the order and then mark the final settlement amount for the order. 

The admin will then send this request to the customer for the balance amount.

Option to add prescription on user app and create order from admin and vendor panel

The admin will be able to enable the option for uploading the prescription for the order and the customer will be able to see the option on the restaurant menu section

Delivery charge supplier vise according to geofence area

The admin will be able to define the delivery charges on the platform per merchant. The admin will see the option for the same under the Merchant Detail section.

The admin will be able to draw a polygon on the platform to define the area/region and against that region the admin will be able to define the delivery charges.

This option needs to be enabled from the god panel for the particular account.

Now you can see all the agents for services you selected

Filtering of agents according to slot

View all the slots of the agent and book a particular slot

The customer on the service selections screen will be able to see the names of all the agents

The customer can choose to see the availability of a particular agent or see the option to filter the date and time slot and see the agents available of the selected slot.

Label the users according to type like retailer, wholesaler and manage different prices for them

Users can return a single product (or all) in order and refund will be processed accordingly. Right now return process is manual, managed from admin we are working on it and making it dynamic

Agent Account statement

The admin will be able to see the amount due for each agent and see the option to mark it as paid

N- level Subcategory

Option to add multiple levels for each subcategory

This option will work for all product and service-based offerings except for food(disabled from the backend.)

Pay stack payment gateway- Nigeria

Split Payment

The admin will be able to define the %age split for each order and the amount will be split accordingly between the vendor and the admin.

June 3, 2020

Wish list

Users will be able to add food items and vendors to their favorites list/wishlist

Vendor registeration

Subscription for vendor:- Vendor have to purchase subscription for publishing the product

Myfutura – payment gateway – UAE



Admin can create a product with the customisation and we can copy customization of one product to all or selected products

Rating and review :- supplier, order and product

rating and review on supplier and admin, and ability to block the same

Map for all Drivers

Driver e-commerce booking assigning, and delivery logic KM vise all

Branch system

Option for the admin to add multiple branches to a vendor by going into the vendor settings and choosing the option for multi-branch

The admin will then see an option for branches and add new branches from there.

Subscription for vendor:- 

Vendor have to purchase a subscription for publishing the product. The subscription will be defined by the admin


Admin can create a product with the customization and we can copy customization of one product to all or selected products,

Rating and review :- supplier, order and product

Admin can view the ratings and reviews on supplier and admin, and ability to block the same

Order Scheduling :- Admin can schedule the order from the order details

Notification Listing:

– There is a notification listing of user apps and website

Multiple order

– Branch system for single supplier

Windcape payment gateway

Tap payment gateway

User type Payment gateway

Restaurant sorted by distance, rating – in case of both filter button

Refunds in account

New Email template

Fcm of website dynamic

Agent App for eCommerce

Agent App for mixed Domain

July 15, 2020

Notification Listing for Admin and Supplier 

Admin and Supplier/Restaurant receives notifications on the order requests and other order related details which is listed down in the notification section in the admin panel to record the notifications received. 

Redirect Banner to Category 

Admin can select the category while creating a banner or can edit the banner with other categories. If a user clicks on a banner, it redirects to the category for which it is uploaded.  

Mpaisa Payment Gateway Implementation

Evalon Payment Gateway Implementation

Braintree Implementation

Payhere Payment Gateway Implementation

Category Sorting

Admin can sort the categories from the menu section in the admin panel and set the particular order for any category so that the category will be shown in that order in the website or apps. 


– Users can pay through their wallet for any transaction for order on the platform. 

– Users can buy credits for their wallet through payment gateway

–  credits can be used as a payment method

– Users can exchange credits with others through the phone registered in app

– Admin panel can control how many  credits are in a user’s account (A way for us to give refunds)

Ability for admin to set a discount on all orders with the Wallet (Example: 10% Off all orders when paying with Yummy Wallet)

– If a user cancels, it automatically goes back to the wallet

Insert bulk data for Customization

The admin on the platform can import products and customisations on the platform using a csv file upload. Admin can insert bulk data for customisations with each product. 

The admin can do this by

Selecting the Menu option

Then choose a category and subcategory of choice.

Click on the subcategory to reveal the product list

Click on the tile view option on the product display and click on import.

The system will ask for a csv to be uploaded with the following fields including products and their customisations. 

Login with phone number 

Users can login on the platform while using Phone number instead of email with password and can use the platform effectively. 

Price, Category, rating and discount filter

The users can now see the option to sort the products based on Price, category, rating and discount. When a User searches for a particular product, he will see these filters from where he can sort the products on the basis of these filters. 

Localisation of admin and supplier panel 

Cloning Script of DB

When a client onboard on a platform for any service provided by Royo, he has this functionality to clone the DB for any service provided by ROYO : Food, Grocery, Essential so that he would not have to add the particular products, agents and supplier details and can use the previous platform for his own business. This is also available for those who have multiple businesses and can load the data of one database into another. 

Steps to follow : 

Onboard as a new client and set up a admin dashboard

Go to Settings and select Demo Database and then select Start Database Clone

Subscription Packages for Sales

: Subscription Plan for Sales reps to see what features we have in the panel.

Ecommerce UI apps

: Updated the UI design for Ecommerce apps we have in the product. 

Agent assigning to multiple selected restaurants 

Admin can assign the multiple selected restaurants to the agents so that agents can be available for delivery from multiple locations. 

July 20, 2020

Product and Category analytics 

Reports are implemented in the Administration panel so that the total number of products ordered for that day can be viewed. In order to calculate the demand required for those orders and know exactly how many products need to be purchased or picked up from the warehouse. 

To get a daily comparison to see the sales of one product type against the other product type. The sellers will be able to see the same report but without the actual values and just the percentage share of each product. Admin will show a list of products depending upon categories. Over the vendor we will only show those products that are in the assigned categories and analytic dependent on that

Schedule Booking

Supplier can select the type of selection he wants to show the users. Selections would be Instant, Scheduled or both. This has to be from the admin panel.

The customer can select or place an order for any product or service anytime and then the order will be delivered wrt to the delivery estimated time. In case of Scheduled booking, the flow will be different and work according to the geofence area, supplier has selected. 

The supplier will be able to select multiple geofence areas and respective available slots for that particular area which will show their availability. The supplier will select the slot size so that for every time selection, that slot size will be shown to the user. The customer can select the supplier from his region and can select the date and time for the particular order. 

The supplier will be able to mark his store or service centre as Open and close for the day or for respective days or hours. If he marks himself “closed”, he will not be shown in the user list of suppliers even if its recommended supplier. 

ADMIN SIDE : Setting up the schedules from the admin panel for restaurants

User Side : Selecting Schedule slots for Schedule Order 

Edit Booking User

The Customer or the user have the ability to edit booking or order placed on the platform. The customer is able to add or delete the items selected or can add the new items from the same supplier with which he has placed the order before. Then the platform will update the particular request and show the remaining amount to the customer to proceed the order. The customer will pay the remaining amount and the order will be placed. 

Chat Ordering, Voice Ordering 

Chat and Voice Ordering is a feature in which the customer can order food or any item from the restaurant by chat and voice through the chatbot.

User Subscription

Admin will add the different subscription plans in the platform so that users can select one of them to avail the benefits of the subscriptions. Users need to buy the suitable subscription plan to enjoy the perks of the plan. Admin will create such plans and their benefits and prices accordingly which will be shown to the customer. 

The customer will be able to renew or cancel the subscription plan according to his purchase, the selected ratio of plans are weekly, monthly and annually. 

Withdrawal request for agent and supplier

Agent and Supplier can withdraw the amount of the particular order and multiple orders which are delivered from the administrator. Agent and Supplier can request for the outstanding amounts to be paid by the admin and the admin can accept or reject the withdrawal request. Once the admin pays for the accepted requests, the agent and supplier will be notified for the payment received. 

Cost Price for adding the product and profit to supplier 

Platform has added the functionality for the supplier and the admin to add his product’s cost price as well as the product price which is visible to the users in the application or the website. With this functionality, Admin and Supplier are able to see the profit and the revenue for each product they have made. 

Paytab, Peach, Amaarpay Payment Gateway

New Payment gateways have been implemented in all the platforms. 

Similar Product, Recommended Product

In the Ecommerce Platform, It will show the Similar Product which has been viewed, liked and purchased more by the user. It also shows the recommended products which are similar to the existing products purchased by the customers. 

Loyalty Credits 

Loyalty Points are the loyalty credits earned by the Customer on the platform. Whenever the user buys anything, they will get points and then they use those to get a discount or if they get enough points they can use the points to order items on the platform. 

Customers will be able to see the history of the loyalty credits earned or redeemed on 

the platform. If the user spends a certain amount they will be entitled to certain categories:

i. Gold – default 

ii. Bronze

iii. Diamond

When the user purchases and reaches a certain amount, he will be categorised as a Bronze or diamond and can avail the benefits for that. Reach Limit is decided by the admin for each category.

If a user places an order then certain(admin) loyalty points will be added. Loyalty points are with respect to the order amount placed by the User. If a user places 100 usd orders then x points are added in his account X will be defined by admin. 

As much as the loyalty points are, he can use it as the currency. E.g : If a user has 100 loyalty points, he can use it as x rupees or any currency the client has. (x defined by admin panel)

Chat User agent supplier to admin 

This platform provides the ability for a User, Agent or a Supplier to chat with the Admin and ability for a User to chat with Agent , supplier too. This is an Omnipresent chat which is created in this application. 

November 3, 2020

Pickup Flow

Pickup flow is described as the flow where Customers are picking up their particular order from the restaurant at specified time and notifies the restaurant about his status and ETA. 

1)The customer will be shown the option to navigate to the restaurant and the estimated time for the order preparation.

2)  The customer will have the option to mark themselves as leaving for pickup to notify the restaurant about the customer’s status and ETA. The customer’s location will be tracked and the restaurant will only be able to see the ETA for the customer’s arrival. The customer will mark his status as “On the way”, “Reached” and “Picked up” to notify the restaurant. 

3)Once the customer reaches the restaurant, option for the customer to indicate his arrival(The system will also have the option to mark the customer as arriving automatically when the customer comes in a 100 metre proximity of the restaurant), also add details about the parking location for the restaurant staff to deliver the items.

Table Booking Flow 

Users can book a table in a restaurant for Dine in at a particular date and time slot along with the number of seats and duration mentioned by the restaurant on the platform. Users can have a map view in which all the restaurants are available and with a click, it will take the user to the restaurant’s detail page where he can see all the tables and can request for a table to dine-in. 

Restaurant will add all the tables and related details in his platform and once the user requests for the table, he can confirm or reject with a reason. Once the table is assigned by the restaurant manager, the confirmation email will be sent to the user. Once the user reaches the restaurant, he can scan the QR code of his table from his application and select the particular menu and can place an order. 

Dine-In Flow 

1. If a user walkins to the restaurant and scans the table through QR code, then the menu of the restaurant will be displayed to him and he can pay through the platform. Then Supplier will be able to assign the table number once the order is placed by the user through the platform. 

2. If Multiple users scan on the same table, all user need to pay their own food and the restaurant needs to allow merging of the table from panel

Schedule Flow 

1. If a user selects the restaurant and schedules a table booking with date and time then the reservation would be made. And confirmation status would be shared by the restaurant panel. 

2. Once confirmed, the user will walkin to the restaurant and through navigation, the user will be notified by the restaurant before 150 yards and 10 min before the reservation time selected by the user. 

3. Restaurant will share the link or the option with the user to click on and pay for his order so that he can have it ready once reached. 

SOS Feature

Ability for the user to click on the SOS button which will send an emergency notification to the admin panel. This can work both ways, Agent and User both can send some emergency alert to the admin if they found anything not in appropriate condition. 

Users can send SOS through web and mobile applications by clicking on the button available in the order details screen. 

Also, there is an option in the side menu of the admin panel as SOS Notification and By clicking on that, Admin can receive the SOS notifications along with user and agent details. 

OTP feature to start the service

The customer will need to provide an OTP to the agent to allow him to start the service or booking. 

The OTP will be provided to the customer at the time his order is confirmed. He needs to share it with the service to start his service so that there would not be any discrepancies., Pago Facil 

We have implemented some Payment gateways as per the region preferences. 

To not consider the quantity in product

In the admin panel, there is a functionality in the catalogue while adding food items that if the admin needs to consider the quantity in the product or not. There are 2 options available “yes” or “No” and on the basis of that inventory will be managed. 

Ability for the shopper to change the status on the shopper app(all the statuses would be changed by them

Agents can change the statuses now as per their availability and doable activity. They can change the status as in “Delivered” or “on the way” and also “ready to be picked”. Earlier it was from the admin and supplier only but now, the agents can do it too. 

While assigning the driver, the vendor will first select a vehicle type, small medium or large category: Bicycle van and truck. 

While signing up the driver will choose the vehicle type as per the vehicle Category. This functionality is for a pick up and delivery module so that the driver can select the vehicle type he has and on the basis of order request, the same driver who has the appropriate vehicle, he can be assigned an order. 

Admin Panel : 

Agent App : 

Vendor and admin can update the price of order and the vendor will upload a receipt with the updated price.

This functionality is developed for the food and grocery products in which prices can vary on the daily basis. For example, if the product price is different for today from the price on the web app then the admin and supplier can update the price accordingly and the users can view the updated price with a push notification. Users can also download the receipt.

Ability to select upto 3 products and compare its features

The products can be from different sellers. This is for all platforms specifically for Ecommerce. 

In agent apps there should be a signature field, without taking the signature agent will not be able to mark the status delivered. 

This signature will be saved and shown in driver app, admin/vendor panels for the respective orders. 

Agent can return the product

Now, the agent can return the product too. Functionality has added new status at driver end, to mark the order returned in case customer is not available at drop off. Refunds will be manual. New status Returned at Driver app.

Agents can do it from the order detail screen in the agent app as per the respective order along with the return reason that will be shown to the admin. 

Ability to select the date and time of pick up. {Calendar View},  Ability to select date and time of dropoff. {Calendar View}

In the agent app we have to show the drop off date and the agent cannot change the status if the drop off date is not today. And the booking will be sorted date wise. The notification will be sent that today is your drop off . 

Admin can reset password of vendor

We have added a functionality for the admin to reset the password of any vendor or supplier from the supplier detail page in the admin panel. 

This option is made dynamic as per the client and can be enabled from the god panel. 

An email is already sent on order placed, and needs to be delivered too.

Previously, users only received the email confirmation on the order placed and there was no email confirmation for the delivered status. Now we have implemented it as well. 

Supplier signup from admin panel 

Functionality is developed to send notification to the admin that the new supplier signs up, so he can check and approve that supplier. This notification will come under the notification section in the side menu of the admin panel.

Payment Gateway (Telr)

Country of origin and size chart – Ecommerce

Google has updated its guidelines for ecommerce websites that they need to add their country of origin of any product that is listed on the platform. Also the Size chart is mandatory too to add in the platform. 

Minimum Order Distance 

This functionality has been developed for calculating the minimum order distance. If the user’s location is more than 5km & under 20km then minimum order would be 200 . Or if the  user’s location is more than 20km then the minimum order amount would be 250. 

Hyper pay Payment Gateway 

On tracking , driver detail we will show the listing current orders of that driver.

Showing recommended suppliers inside at third level of category in mixed domain: 

 Recommended For You – Based on History ,liked products

Discover – Based on trending products (on the basis of likes) and new and hot items

Similar products – Recommended product the similar product on the basis of search history, liked products will be shown on the product detail page 

In and out network

Vendors are listed within the zone but Customers must select it and it will need a text field called Order ID to allow Customers to provide the driver with a Unique order ID for pickup. This order will be included with the other 3 orders that the customer has placed. If the store becomes a part of the 4N1 network, then it should have full vendor functionality. Until then, it will just serve as a selection by the customer. When a customer selects it they should see a message that says, “This store is not in the 4N1 Network. If you would like us to pick up an order, please provide your Order ID.” Once the order ID is entered, the driver will be assigned for it.

–The functionality includes a user wanting to place a pickup request along with other orders that he wants to buy from the platform. 

1. Users need to select the store from where they buy that product.

2. User can select delivery to home product and enter details [Name dimension, can be multiple] receipt

3 Once they add the details of the product that they want to pick, user will add that product to the cart along with other product that they want to purchase

4. Only 4 product can be added to the cart not more than that -> the limit of different no of product

5. The same delivery charge will be calculated on these products

6. Break the multi vendor booking into 4 bookings

–Users can add the list of stores whom users can only request for pickup to the agent

1. Admin should have the ability to add the list of out of network stores, in rest profile

2. Admin can filetr vendor on it.

3. Product Price will be zero

–Driver or agent should have the ability to view the order details

1. Driver can view the pickup location for out network products

2. Driver can download the receipt uploaded with the out network products

3. upload the payback slip from the out network vendors on pick up state

Block time

Admin will have the ability to add a driver in the block time and those drivers accepting the request for the block time will receive the request for the block time.

1 Admin is going to add the block time and can schedule block time for further days

2 in the block the admin will add the timings and date for block time

3 When add update the request for the block time all the drivers will receive the request

4. only those driver who accept the request in the block time will receive the request for the booking

Driver will receive request to work in the block time:

1- Driver will get a notification to accept of reject the block time

2- if they accept they will receive the booking in that block time( for example 4 am in the morning)

3- driver can view the what block time they are scheduled in

Leave note

Driver can leave notes for the customer if the customer is not available

1 Driver can select one of the following notes while marking the delivery in case of Unable to leave delivery (choose reason)

-Left with customer, left at front door, garage door, side door.

2: add picture to close delivery

Video Call Feature 

The customer can have a video call feature where he can directly call drivers on the cart page. 

Homepage Design (Web & IOS and Android)

– Trending Restaurants – This section should be filled automatically based on the amount of orders for the specific restaurant, The is calculated for a day

– Special Offers for you – you can add offers by admin panel when we adding the products

– Fastest Delivery -This will show the supplier with express delivery and the one near to the location.

– Categories + Top Selling Dishes – Top Selling dishes based on product selling (should be filled automatically as well per certain amount of time)

– Recommended Foods – Top Selling dishes based on product selling (should be

filled automatically as well per certain amount of time)

Supplier Subscription

There are 2 types of plan :- one is spot for the banner

Second is – we will show the restaurant listing then there 1 to 4 spots will be of promoted restaurants, 1 to 4 will be – Trending Restaurants, Special Offers for you, Fastest Delivery, Top Selling Dishes

Home screen Listing – When you click View all, first 5 spot subscribed users.

Mobile :- Near you endless scroll , for that first 5 is recommended.

Restaurant (Admin Panel) Deliveries

Cart Page 

The user will see the Expected delivery time

— If supplier delivery then supplier min and max time

— If Rush delivery then it will be calculated on the basis of google maps . the buffer time will be added on top of what google has calculated

There are three type of delivery-

1. Express delivery – Price of express delivery will be defined per rest vise. And buffer time will also be defined

2. Normal delivery – Price of Normal delivery will be defined per rest vise. And buffer time will also be defined

3. Own Delivery – Rest can specify , whether they have their own delivery.

On Demand Interpreter Audio

Agent records the bio in an audio form and they save the bio and at the user side, they can play it and check how fluent the interpreters are in their language.

Agents can add their availability by managing the slots for their profile. 

Users can upload the PDF files in the cart while booking an interprator so that agents can check it and can be prepared beforehand the service. 

Upcoming Features : 

-Customer DOB will be captured while signing up. SO, on the birthdays, admin will send happy free doughnut day birthday emails. Templates for email can be set by the admin.

“Add dynamic parameters like while adding products. :- Year: Make, Model, Part Grade, Trim, Filters based on the above parameters Search part according to year , make, model , part grade , Trim.”

-Add Language Albanian – website and admin panel

-Agent App – All services are there and the agent will select the service and then add the cost of the service and add the description

-User Website / App – We are displaying all services for the first time at no cost, then the user will select the service then the whole agent list comes with price and reviews. The user will select the agent and book the service.

-while OTP >> If the user is not receiving OTP due to any issues . Need to show 1 button on that screen named as “If you have any issue while receiving OTP Contact us” . Once click on that email will send to admin mentioning OTP issue with user name and phone number

-If the user cancelled the order then the agent app request pop is still showing if click on accept then throw an error that this order is already rejected, it should disappear as user cancelled.

-Show active drivers in admin panel

-Tap split

-Twilio Authy

-If out of stock then don’t show on front-end

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