Table of Contents
Client Listing
In the client listing, all the clients registered are listed. And their subscription and features are managed by code brew admin from this listing.
Subscription and the free trial
Admin can increase the free trial of any client, and can deactivate the free trial too
Admin can change the subscription plan of the client, and can mark the status of the payment made as paid.
There are the following features in the god panel.
Payment gateways:-
There are following payment gateway integrated in the platform
- Conketa
- Razorpay
- Stripe
- Paypal
- Venmo
- Square
Once the payment gateway is on then the option start appearing on the client’s admin panel, to enter keys to activate client’s payment gateway.
Custom Domain:-
This features enable client to configure the custom domain. In the admin panel, the client can write the custom domain to enable redirection to custom domain. The client need to create A name and point it to the IP given in the description.
Configurational Key:-
Their are following keys that client can enter and can configure it according their accounts
- Google map
- Twilio
- Tawak
- STMP service
This allows the integration of shipstation third party for delivery service.
This Sections enables or disable specific algorithm or UI in the application.
- Delivery Charge Type :- There are two types of delivery charge for the driver.
- Delivery Charge Per Km
- Flat Delivery Charge
- Tell Your Story Section:- This sections enables a section in website where client can enter the text or tutorials on the website itself.
- Referral Feature:- This section enables you to have a referral feature inside the app
- User To Agent Chat Module:- This section enables the chat module between agent and user app.
- Search Module:- We have two types of search module.
- Search By Product
- Search By Supplier
- Search By Both Product & Supplier
- App Single Vendor Theme:- This is for app, there are two themes in app for single vendor.
- Default Theme:- In which all product are listed in vertical scroll
- Product Listing Theme:- In this all product are listed in horizontal scroll
- Supplier Service Fee:- This enables to have separate service fee for separate restaurant
- Order Instructions In Cart:- This option enables the instruction on cart page.
- Cart Screen Image Upload:- This option enables option to upload photo on cart page
- Select A Secondary Language:- Client can choose a secondary language
- None
- Spanish
- Arabic
- Select Header Template:- There are three header template variations which user can choose from
- Default
- Custom Header Template 1
- Custom Header Template 2
- User Registration Flow
- Default
- Single Page Registration
- Template Selection (Web):- There are two templates for food.
- Default
- Template 1
- Theme Selection (App):- It have 3 variation of themes
- Default
- Theme 1
- Theme 2
- App Banner Width:- User can have half width and full width banners
- Full Width
- Half Width
- Corona Quarantined:- In this agent app, will have option to mark if he is quarantined or covid positive.
- Tag Search:- User can tag items and can have suppliers that have that items
- Admin Order Creation:- User can upload prescription, and then the admin can verify and can create the order on behalf of user according to the image upload.
- Agent Signup:- This option enables agent signup at user
- Delivery Distance Unit:- There are two units in Delivery
- Km
- Miles
- Gift Card Functionality:- Admin can creates gift card for users. For user to buy the gift card.
Admin can create the gift card.
- Does This Client Provide Only Dine-in Service? (No Delivery Module):-In that case admin panel will remove the option of pick up and delivery option
- Do You Wish To Remove Default Address Section From Settings?:- This will remove default address option from admin. So, the user have to give access to location for using website.
- Supplier Detail:- User can view the restaurant full details in the app.
- Pdf Upload Functionality In Supplier Product:- Supplier can upload the pdf , which user can download at order details
- Schedule Delivery Option On Orders:- Admin can schedule the delivery of the application.
- Do You Wish To Disable App Sharing Message?:- Admin can personalise the share
app messages to be displayed in the app
- Pricing Module According To User Types:- Admin can create user types. Admin can add price on the basis of user types.
Create Features
God panel can create new features from this section and can assign it to any client
Subscription packages:-
Admin can create subscription packages for the admin to choose billing from
Admin can create custom domain and can give specific permission of app type. That app type will be accessible while creating category in admin. The app type selected in the category will determine the flow of that category